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Neurotransmission is the method by which nerves “speak” to each other
so impulses can be sent from one part of your body to the brain and
back. For example, when you touch a hot plate by accident, it doesn’t
take long before you quickly let go of the plate. The reason you let go
quickly [..]
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is a condition that results when the median nerve is pinched in carpel tunnel at the wrist. As the name implies, “carpal” refers to the 8 small bones in the wrist that make up the “U” shaped part of the tunnel and “syndrome” means symptoms that are specific and unique to [..]
Traction is defined as, “…the act of pulling a body part.” Therefore, it is commonly used in many regions including the legs, arms, low back, mid-back, and the neck. We will be limiting this discussion to cervical or neck traction, and the question of the month is, “…does it help patients with neck pain and [..]
Statistically, most people (estimated to be about 90%) will seek care for Low Back Pain (LBP) at some point in their lifetime. Last month, we discussed the role foot orthotics play in the management of LBP by improving balance, and it seems appropriate to discuss other ways we can improve our balance, hence the topic [..]
In this month's edition, we're going to discuss some "intrigue" that has plagued low back treatments—both conservative and aggressive—for many years now.
The intrigue being "WHERE" exactly does the pain generate from? What structure? What neurological mechanism? And with some detective work I think we've uncovered some significant findings.
The modern era in the understanding [..]
Chiropractors are not just interested in getting rid of pain; more importantly, they are interested in preventing future episodes. This model has long been “a standard” in chiropractic and continues to be so today. Why is this so important?
Approximately 91% of older adults have at least one chronic condition, and 73% have at least [..]
This seems like an easy question to answer, doesn’t it? The answer of course being, YES!!! However, there are many people who suffer with headaches who have never been to a chiropractor or have not even ever considered it as a “good option.”
So, rather than having me “reassure you” that chiropractic works GREAT for [..]
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
(CTS) is a very common problem that affects one out of every twenty
people in the general population including assembly line workers, postal
employees, assistants, servers/waiters, musicians, carpenters, and many
others. Because of time lost from work, treatment costs, and short and
long term disability payments (on average $30,000 per claim, and [..]
or more properly stated, Whiplash Associated Disorders (WAD), is
usually associated with car accidents, slip and falls, and sports
injuries. It is a very common injury affecting millions of people around
the world, and costing health care systems billions of dollars. The
question of the month is, what can we do to AVOID or [..]
Low back pain (LBP) can result from many causes, and sometimes it just occurs for reasons that are not clear, such as the accumulation of stresses that occur over time. Many causes of low back pain have been described such as bending over “wrong,” combined bending and twisting, lifting, over reaching, climbing, sitting too long, [..]
Last month, we focused on how important sleep is in the management of the fibromyalgia
(FM) and the relationship between sleep dysfunction and restless leg
syndrome. Now that it’s clear that the sleep and FM pairing is so
important, how can we improve sleep quality? As previously stated, sleep
dysfunction is a consistent complaint among [..]
Pain perception and psychology are linked. As with the chicken-and-the-egg scenario, a question arises: what comes first?Does an abnormal psychological profile cause chronic pain?OrDoes chronic pain cause an abnormal psychological profile?The relationship between the link of pain perception and psychology is particularly important in cases where compensation is involved. It is known that pain afferents fire to the limbic system, affecting [..]